Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Participant’s Testimonials
“This class is a step by step guide to unwind your mind and relax your body. Erica brings a spacious heart and fine mind to each class. Her presence and voice inspire the inner spaciousness we all seek through mindfulness practice. If you are looking for a trustworthy guide to come closer to the quiet within, you will find that guide in Erica.” —C. Bailey.
“It has taught me to become aware of my daily life and how I am reacting to the situations in my life. It has also given me an anchor and center to focus on in times of stress –breathing! Learning to let go and not struggle or judge is what leads to moments and periods of relief. When you take time for the practice, you will open yourself up to peace and joy in just being quiet and still. Thank you Erica, I am aware of how influential this class is in my life, and I so appreciate your guidance and tenderness.” —A.A.
“It has helped me very much to embrace “just as it is” thinking. Acceptance was an attitude I needed. Also, it’s been very helpful to be in a group while we meditated. Thank you for your excellent contributions toward wellness!” —Anonymous
“The class has helped me reconnect with my body, my heart, my “humanness.” I have learned to tune into my body and notice when emotions are arising (good or bad) and then work with them in the present moment instead of extrapolating to the past or future. This course will teach you a new way to look at each moment of your life-a better way! It’s not a “cure” for problems, or simply learning to relax, -you will learn to live in the moment you have! You will benefit from this class, maybe not in the way you expect or hope-but you will grow in spirit as you learn to be more aware. Thank you, thank you! I am on a new path in my life-a happier, more peaceful path!” —Abby K.
“The class offers tools, practice and discussions that pave the road to freedom from stress. Thank you!” —E.B.
”Relevant to anyone who often feels overwhelmed by emotion or stress. The content was highly practical and useful. Learning it in a classroom environment where you benefitted from others’ comments in the room and attempts to learn the practice was invaluable. It was very important for me to embrace the idea that I am not my feelings, and the whole “weather pattern” concept. The instructor is very well prepared and makes good use of class time. She is very warm and encouraging and helps you get over the frustrations of learning something new.” —S.G.S.
“For stress reduction, I recommend a practice that connects mind and body through practice. I have gained a commitment to moment-by-moment self-awareness and the curiosity to improve. It is possible to make magnificent changes-the instructor is masterful. Erica- from the bottom of my heart, thank you!” —M.W.
“The MBSR class is an open, non-judgmental environment to learn to incorporate being mindful in your daily life. There are many different types of meditation practices and informal mindfulness practices that are taught, and this really helped me use the skills in a practical way. This class gives a great foundation in mindfulness meditation-it will provide you with a variety of tools to bring into your daily life. Thank you Erica!” —G.M.S.
“The class provided mindfulness-based methods for dealing with chronic stress and tools for handling acute, everyday stressful experiences in a wise, balanced and health-supporting way. The concepts weren’t new to me, but it has helped to have a structured, guided way to bring them more fully into my life on an everyday basis.” —Gretchen Z.
“It has improved my self-perception of emotional triggers, and increased my awareness of my stress reaction… I have gained the value of taking reflective pauses daily.” —Anonymous
“My gratitude to Erica Rayner- Horn for this program that meets every individual exactly where they are. If distress is caused by serious illness, burnout or simply recognizing the need for change, mindfulness is a daily practice worthy of recognition among professionals in the medical community and the workplace. In each session, Erica masterfully guides participants toward a better quality of life.” —Marion Weldon, M.Ed. Career Management Consultant and Training Specialist.